A Brief History of Federation of Goldsmith and Jewellers Association of Malaysia

The Association started life as Goldsmith Merchants Association of Malaysia established on 25 April 1977 made up of twelve founder associations viz: the Goldsmith Association of Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang, the Perak Chinese Goldsmith Association, the Penang Gold and Silver Merchants Association, Province Wellesley Gold and Silver Ornament Merchants Association, the Gold and Silver Merchants Association Kedah, the North Perak Goldsmith Association, the Lower Perak Goldsmith Association, Melacca Goldsmith Merchants Association, the Muar Goldsmith Merchants Association, the Batu Pahat Gold and Silver Merchants Association, the South Johore Golden Ornaments Trade Association, Kelantan Chinese Gold Merchants Association and the following were elected to the First Council of the Association: President: Leong Yee Ban, Vice President: Thong Chew Wah, Treasurer: Wong Sik Kay, General Secretary: Yee Siew Kun, Liason Officers: Loong Kooi, Chooi Sui Kee. Members of the Council: Ko Hon Kwong, Lo Chup Pho, Dato Wong Chor Wah, Loong Hue Toong, Mak Guan Pin, Thoo Chee Kee, Looi Chun Sing, Lan Keng Yeew, Koh Choong, Ho How Kwong, Choong Wei Sing. Three Members were also entrusted with the task of drawing up a constitution. They were Leong Yee Ban, Yee Siew Kun and Wong Sik Kay.

Establishing the Association in those early days had not been easy. The founding fathers from the various states had to overcome a whole range of obstacles and difficulties. However, Spurred on by the desire for unity, for the better development of the trade and the need to protect of the legitimate rights of fellow members they preserved and finally succeeded.

In 1985 the constitution was amended under the leadership of then president Datuk Ng Teck Fong under which the Association became the Federation of Goldsmith and Jewellers Association of Malaysia

The new constitution was duly approved by the Registrar of Societies on 25 July 1985. By the time the number of constituent associations has increased from 12 to 19.

Besides better understanding and relationships between members it also standardizes retail charges of gold and other jewelry ornaments. It also exercises responsibilities in the arbitration of industrial disputes between the employers and the employed.

In 1972 the government implemented sales tax. To protect the interest of members.

The Association set up a sub-committee to study the problem and negotiated with the Government. They were able to persuade the government to understand the special circumstances under which the members operated and to improve its measures in taxation.

In 1974 and 1975 the government once again increased its taxes on the gold and jewelry trade according to the following scheme:

Import Duty Surtax Sales Tax Total
Gold Bars 7% 5% 10% 22%
Gold Ornaments 15% 5% 10% 30%
Loose Jade & Diamond 15% 5% 10% 30%

The above measures placed great restrictions on the jewelry trade in the country. Large number of goldsmiths started to leave for neighboring countries in search of a livelihood.

The Association thereby presented the government with a fresh memorandum urging the a reduction of Import Tax on Jewellery Raw Material from 30% to 15% and taxes on gold bars from 22% to 5%.

Following joint meetings and consultations the requests we accepted.

In 1982 the Association presented the government with another memorandum asking for a free and open policy whereby gold bar imports would be exempted from taxtation, Gold Control liberalized and import license (A.P) for import of gold abolished.

On 21 October 1983 the government announced the exemption of gold (Import Tax on Non-monetary Gold Bullion) from import duties. Further Government listed gold and ornamental jewelry pioneer products and those engaged in the gold and jewelry trade enjoyed pioneer status with five years tax free exemption.

On 1 January 1987 the Government relaxed its regulations on gold control and gold regained free trade status.

On 1 April 1987 important license for gold (A.P) was abolished.

The above measures successfully removed the obstacles and hindrances facing the gold and jewelry industry. As a result business began to flourish and prosper.

Our present concern is the government’s plan to introduce compulsory Hallmarking system. We have already submitted a memorandum to the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs requesting the government not to risk adopting a system which can have grave consequences for the jewelry trade in particular and the national economy in general.

We are currently engaged in discussion with the authorities on this important issue and hope that the government will be sympathetic to the people’s view point and do away with any compulsory Hallmarking. Finally, we hope that all those engaged in the gold and jewelry trade will continue the good work and fulfill the aspiration of those who have gone before us, Only through unity can we have the Strength to protect our legitimate interests as well as to face successfully the challenges that lie ahead. And ensure our trade will continue to grow and prosper.


马来西亚钻珠宝商公会联合总会简史的前是马来西亚金商公会总会。马来西亚金商公会总会成立於25/04/1977, 距今业有40年的历史。创办会员有十二个(雪森彭金商公会、霹雳金商公会、槟城金银商业公会、威省金银饰品商业公会、吉打金银业公会、北霹雳金商公会、下霹雳金商公会、马六甲金商公会、麻坡金商公会、合株巴辖金银商业公会、柔南金饰商公会、吉兰丹中华金商公会)。首届(一九七六年)职员为:会长梁汝彬、副会长唐照寰、财政黄拭基、总务余兆根、交际潘驹、查数崔绍基。董事:高汉光、卢辑甫、黄初华、龙晓东、麦元彬、陶子奇、吕振声、蓝经耀、高松、何厚光、钟维信、席间选梁汝彬,余兆根及黄拭基三位负责起草章程。






金条入口税 7% 附加税 5% 销售税 10% = 合共 22%
金饰入口税 15% 附加税 5% 销售税 10% = 合共 30%
散装钻石、玉石入口税 15% 附加税 5% 销售税 10% = 合共 30%

使到本邦同业营业受到限制,大批金匠纷纷涌到邻国谋生,联合总会再向政府提呈备忘录,请求珠宝首饰材料入口课税由30% 减到 15% ,黄金则由 22%减到 5%。



  1. 政府经在21/10/1983 宣布豁免黄金(非货币)入口税。政府将金饰产品列为‘优先产品’Pioneer Product,凡经营金饰产品出口者,可获得先驱工业地位,享受五年免税优待。
  2. 01/01/1987 政府放宽金融统制(Gold Control),黄金恢复自由贸易。
  3. 01/04/1987 政府取消黄金准证制度Import License (A.P)。 自从解除了上述障碍和束缚,金饰行业蓬勃的发展。
  4. 本业合总会非常关注有关政府有意推行‘验证印记’制度。事关重大,本联合总会经在03/01/2003 提呈一份备忘录给国内贸易及消费人事务部部长,请求政府为了我国金饰业的发展及国家经济的利益,勿要本末倒置及不应冒险尝试引进强制性‘验证印记’制度。万一铸成大错,弄巧反拙,将会拖垮了整个金饰出口工业及严重影响国内整个金饰行业的发展。目前本联合总会继续与国内贸易部交涉中。希望政府能体恤民意,取消上述施行强制性‘验证印记’制度。
  5. 本联合总会希望全国金钻珠宝同业,都能秉承先贤的意愿,全部加入公会,加强团结,贯彻维持门市金价统一,维护同业合理之权益,方能克服未来的挑战,本行业才能发扬光大。

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